Tag: Bernard Lonergan

Mathematician’s Mind Redux, III

With illumination, abstraction, the rendering of propositions elaborated, the elements and development of mathematics may now be described. First and foremost, a definition may be made by identifying with a term what is sensibly perceived and rendered according to its correct usage. For example, numbers, such as 1, 2, 3, etc., may be defined as […]

The Mathematician’s Mind Redux, I

After a long hiatus, I have decided to re-introduce and elaborate upon what I take to be an account of what it means to think beautifully about mathematics. In an effort to do so, I will be following a path that will engage, at least in its initial stages, the work of the mathematician Jacques […]

Creational Thinking – Part I: Introduction

In a previous series of posts (beginning here https://thinkingbeautifully.org/mathematical-understanding-as-seen-within-a-framework-of-beauty-part-1/), I described a particular perspective on thinking beautifully in mathematics. In that description, I aimed to channel the thinking of Medieval thinkers such as Thomas Aquinas and Bonaventure, but also by incorporating the thinking of such twentieth century philosophers as Bernard Lonergan and Michael Polanyi. Unfortunately, […]

Mathematical Understanding as Seen Within a Framework of Beauty (part 3)

In the first two parts of this series, I began outlining how mathematics and mathematical understanding can be framed within the Thomistic modes of beauty: proportio, claritas, and integritas. In particular, I defined mathematics as the science whose subject-matter is measurable orders: objects understood as parts united into whole, having a distinction of same or […]

Mathematical Understanding as Seen Within a Framework of Beauty (part 2)

In part 1 of this series, I began to explore how mathematical reasoning can be understood within a Thomistic framework of beauty as expressed in the modes proportio, claritas, and integritas. In that post, I arrived at an initial description of the subject-matter of mathematics as pertaining to quantitative being understood as parts ordered into […]